University of Tennessee-Tennessee State University Resources
UT-TSU Extension office resources (link) - TheBlount County office is a unit of The University of Tennessee Extension and the Tennessee State University Extension. The Extension office and staff are your link to The University of Tennessee. Blount County Extension delivers educational programs and research-based information to citizens of Blount County. Working with farmers, youth, and communities. Extension helps improve people's lives by addressing problems and issues in Blount County.
Tennessee Extension Master Gardener Program (link) - Tennessee Extension Master Gardeners (TEMG's) are trained volunteers that help the Extension Service share the latest and greatest gardening information!
Turfgrass Weed Science (link) - The sole mission of assisting turf grass managers in controlling problematic weeds of urban green spaces such as golf courses, athletic fields, residential and commercial lawns, and parks.
Plant Sciences Unit (link) - The East Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center - Plant Sciences Unit, is located on Alcoa Highway, 5 miles south of UT's Agriculture Campus. This 212 acre tract is utilized to provide land, equipment, and support for faculty and graduate students to conduct agriculture related research, with a primary emphasis on plant and soil sciences. Check out the Field Days Tab.
UT Hort (link) - UT Hort website is devoted to providing high quality, research based residential and consumer horticulture information to Tennesseans.
UT Gardens - Jackson (link) - The West Tennessee AgResearch and Education Center is home to the UT Gardens-Jackson. In addition to the Jackson location, the UT Gardens can be found at the UT Institute of Agriculture campus in Knoxville and the Plateau AgResearch and Education Center in Crossville. The UT Gardens mission is to cultivate and appreciation of plants through horticultural displays, educational programs and research.
Blount County Resources
Blount County Soil Conservation District (link) - OUR MISSION: To provide leadership, technical assistance, and administer programming that helps people conserve, improve, and sustain our natural resources and environment. The strategies we use to carry out this mission are as follows:
Provide technical assistance to help land users plan for increased productivity and natural resource conservation
Improve water quality and promote its efficient use and management
Promote conservation education in the community
Anticipate key natural resources issues and work with the community to address them.
OUR GOAL: To sustain and improve the natural resources within Blount County
KEEP BLOUNT BEAUTIFUL (link) - Our mission is to encourage and educate Blount County residents to Take action to Improve and beautify their community.
Little River Watershed Association (link) - Our mission is to protect, preserve and enhance the Little River and its Tributaries through Conservation, Education, Recreation
Tennessee Resources
Tennessee Department of Agriculture Consumers (link) - Mission- To serve all the citizens of Tennessee by providing options for responsible use of our agricultural and forest resources, developing economic opportunities, safeguarding food and fiber, and ensuring equity in the marketplace. Find information on Pesticides, Food Safety, Pick Tennessee Products, Forestry (burn permits, tree seedlings, landowner assistance, and more. (link) - Tennessee's forest health management. program seeks to minimize resources losses from insect, disease, vertebrate pests, or other sources impacting growth such as flooding and air pollution.
Tennessee Invasive Plant Control (link) - TN-IPC's Role- Raise public awareness about the spread of invasive exotic plants into Tennessee's natural areas, and much more.
Tennessee Environmental Council (link) - Our Mission: Helping people and Communities Improve our Environment. Our Vision: Thriving Habitats, a Circular Economy, and Climate Balance in Tennessee.
Blount County Beekeepers Association (link) - The Blount County Beekeepers Association is a group of friendly folks dedicated to the best practices of beekeeping and to encouraging beekeeping in East Tennessee.
Tennessee Native Plant Society (link) - Our Mission Statement "Conserving and celebrating native plant communities and their habitats through education".
Wild Ones Smokey Mountains Chapter (link) - Mission: Wild ones: Native Plants, Natural Landscapes...promotes environmentally sound landscaping practices to preserve biodiversity through the preservation, restoration and establishment of native plant communities.